‘Honin Myo’: Starting Fresh in the New Year

‘Honin myo’ is a Buddhist term that may be translated as ‘starting fresh’ or ‘beginning anew’.  Frequently at the start of the New Year you may find yourself setting a new resolution or determination to move your life in the forward direction that you desire. You may want to wipe some of the slate clear from the year before and use this moment to embrace life force energy to be even more victorious this year.  It may include improving any aspect of one’s physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual wellbeing.  It may also include moving outside one’s prior comfort level to try new activities and possible interests.   Most likely this involves looking at yourself squarely in the mirror and seeing what needs to be changed and determining to do it this year without any excuses or blame on others.

With your Reiki practice this is also the potential time to employ a ‘honin myo’ attitude.  Perhaps last year you anticipated doing Reiki on yourself daily, or offering Reiki sessions to friends, family or within the community; perhaps you wanted to attend one of the Reiki shares.  Perhaps you thought about taking the next level of Reiki training and lost the determination to move forward with your Reiki practice.  This is a great time and moment to reconnect with your intentions.  Remember that a wonderful way to begin the day is with your energy clearing in which you can clear prior disappointments or barriers and request that Reiki help you to achieve each goal.  Use your Reiki ideals if this seems right for you.  Send Reiki to your goals and affirmations for the New Year (and new you!) if you are at least trained in Reiki Level 2.  Let’s celebrate great accomplishments together this year.

With love and blessings for the New Year!
