Using your Power or Master symbols during Meditation

This morning I rushed off to the gym only to discover that the class actually started 15 minutes later than I had anticipated.  I set up my weights, said good morning to some classmates and then felt as though I was wasting time.  The light bulb in my head finally went off, and I decided that I could meditate despite the noise of equipment being set up and other exercisers entering the room; after awhile there was even music in the background.  When I teach a community Mindfulness & Meditation group, I try to encourage students to not be impacted negatively by ‘distractions’ nor background noises.  So….I took my own guidance to heart.

I decided to use as my mantra the name (and energy) of the Master symbol over and over again.  If one has already taken Level 2 Reiki training (and not yet ART), one can use the name (energy) of the Power symbol.  This turned out to be a delicious use of my time, and I was so relaxed by the time the class began that I felt as though I was floating.

*photo is from another experience meditating in Sedona Az